Operations Bulletin: Dec 14/15 – Google / Gmail Service Downtime and GMail Bounce Back

Widely covered in the news, Google had a ~50 minute downtime in the December 14 early morning (Pacific Time) where most of its services (GMail, Youtube, Google Drive, etc.) with exception of Google Search is down. Today, we received additional reports where emails sent to GMAIL.com email accounts are getting bounce back saying the recipient […]
Fighting COVID Together: Free Hosting Giveaway 2020

COVID-19 has been very tough on our community and local businesses. Unfortunately, local small / medium businesses are taking much of the economic burden. Many businesses had to close doors or see customer volumes fall dramatically overnight. To help small businesses get through these tough times, Restobox is providing a limited hosting giveaway to help […]
【COVID19懶人包】財務支援 – 3月25日更新

COVID19 個人 & 公司補助總結 加拿大緊急應變計 劃 CERB(Canada Emergency Response Benefit) 把以下兩個補助二合一: ➡️ 緊急護理福利 (Emergency Care Benefit) ➡️ 緊急支援福利 (Emergency support benefit) 給失去工作的加拿大人,每月提供2,000加幣的補助,最多四個月。符合條件如下: ➡️ 失業、生病、隔離、照顧患有COVID-19的人的加拿大人 ➡️ 被隔離或患有COVID-19,但不符合就業保險(EI)資格的人。這包括自僱人士 & 自由職業者。 ➡️ 正照顧患有COVID-19而無法工作的人(包括個體經營者),但沒有獲得EI的資格。 ➡️ 如父母需照顧 (因停課而在家中) 孩子,導致無法工作獲得薪水。父母也有資格獲得EI,可享受緊急護理福利。 ➡️ 仍在工作(沒被開除),但因COVID-19導致工作狀況中斷,而沒薪水的人。 CERB的網站將於4月1號開放,現在還沒有任何申請流程解説。 政府預計: ➡️ 申請後CERB的10天內,開始收到CERB付款。 ➡️ CERB將每四周支付一次費用 ➡️ 有效期為2020年3月15日至2020年10月3日 卑詩省工人緊急福利 (BC Emergency Benefit for Workers) ➡️ 能領取CERB或是 EI 的人都能申請 ➡️ 2020年5月,一次性支付 $1,000 […]
【溫哥華 | 西雅圖】 SEO影響網站排名的5個核心因素!

里歐在2018年時 寫了篇比較硬核的SEO 101 教學 網站檢測教學 (SEO & SEM Auditing) 過去三年,跟溫哥華 + 西雅圖的Marketor 討論的是不亦樂乎 — 但是許多本地 溫哥華和西雅圖的老闆 就覺得文章乾硬難以下嚥 — 所以今天里歐來分享 老闆們「可直接操作」 提升網站排名的最核心元素: 提供有質量的文字內容 — 白話一點就是: 開始寫文章,不停的寫 每篇500字 每兩周定期一篇! — 寫什麼樣的文章? 分享你的 專業知識 分享你的 產業新訊 分享你的 產品特色 分享你的 服務重點 分享你的 工作經驗 — 只要跟你的產業相關 你能完善陳述 人家能看懂 就開始寫! 寫的越多,排名越高 寫的越好,排名越高 溫哥華和西雅圖的提升網站排名的衡量標準: 這次 不從技術層面 探討SEO分數 主要從你的客戶角度來看 他們從Google上能不能找到你的網站 查詢溫哥華 & 西雅圖網站的關鍵字排名: https://www.serprobot.com/serp-check.php 1. 選擇 Canada 2. […]
【COVID19懶人包】財務支援 – 3月24日更新

COVID19 個人 & 公司補助總結 2020年3月24號更新 820億的援助計劃 的基礎上 進一步的輔助 政府提供關鍵服務的資金增加17億加幣,用於: ➡️ COVID-19爆發給醫療保健帶來的壓力 (Health care pressures due to the COVID-19 outbreak) ➡️ 社會服務與弱勢人群 (Social services and vulnerable populations) ➡️ 住房和住房計劃 (Housing and shelter programs) ➡️ 原住民衛生局 (First Nations Health Authority) 卑詩省工人緊急福利 (BC Emergency Benefit for Workers) 緊急救濟金將向,因COVID-19造成收入損失的人,提供一次性1,000加元的補助。 ➡️ BC省居民,只要符合 「聯邦就業保險(Federal Employment Insurance)」、新的「聯邦緊急護理福利(Federal Emergency Care Benefit) 」、新的「聯邦緊急支持福利(Federal Emergency […]
【COVID19懶人包】加拿大緊急工資補貼(TWS) 4月3號更新

COVID19 個人 & 公司補助總結 1.什麼是加拿大緊急工資補貼 (Temporary Wage Subsidy) ? 三個月的措施,符合條件的雇主可減少需匯給加拿大稅務局(CRA)的工資扣除額 (Payroll Deductions)。 2.哪些雇主有資格? 符合條件的雇主如下: 個人(不包括信託) 合作企業 (Partnership) 合夥企業只有三種可獲得補貼:個人(排除信託)、註冊慈善機構、國營企業(CCPC) 非盈利機構 非註冊慈善機構,或 非國營企業(CCPC) ➡️ 2020年3月18日之前,在CRA的系統內有經商號碼(Business Number) 和 薪資計劃帳戶 (Payroll Program) 注意:國營企業(CCPC),只有在上個納稅年度低於1500萬加元時,才有資格獲得補貼。 3.補貼多少? 補貼公司在2020年3月18日 ~ 2020年6月20日之間,支付的新水的10%,每位僱員最高$ 1,375,每位雇主最高$ 25,000。 “The subsidy is equal to 10% of the remuneration you pay between March 18, 2020, and […]
【商城分享】在溫哥華搭建商城清單 (完整版)

使用者透過商城在綫上購物的趨勢 在疫情穩定後 將有著更明顯的成長 不論是透過商城買商品 或是每日所需物資 綫上商城的必要性已經是不可避免的 – 以下攻略主要是給 準備開始做綫上銷售 卻還沒機會做功課的老板們 – 下方的營業額圖表是 Restobox在北美的餐廳客戶 2020年2月啓動綫上商城 2月15號~3月19號 線上營業額約1.5萬 成功的商城模式 根據Resotobox的經驗,成功賺錢的商城,可分三大歸類: 1. 商城價格戰:你的商品總價格最便宜。 網絡比價太方便,使用者非常價格敏感 (Price Sensitive)。 隨時開多個視窗跟Amazon, Ebay, Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist比價,或用Honey類似的插件直接查價格,比比皆是。 如果你的商品總價 (商品價格 + 運費) 最便宜,大家會來你的商城買。 2. 商城獨特性:你的商品是獨家 & 外面買不到。 如你是販售獨家商品,譬如說,Apple手機在官網跟Amazon都有的買,使用者更偏向在官網上訂購。 如果大家都斷貨,譬如COVID19期間的口罩,只有你的商城有貨可買,大家會第一時間選擇你。 3. 商城齊全度:你的商品齊全,使用者不需要到處尋找 / 下單。 如果你的商城能提供客戶「一次買完」的方便性,客戶也會願意在你這邊下單。 在溫哥華經營商城,其實跟超市運營類似(指不便宜的 T n T超市)。 只要消費者習慣在你的商場消費,之後都會持續下單。 所以開始踏入商城銷售前 你的商城規劃 […]
【COVID19懶人包】 在溫哥華如何申請EI (Employment Insurance / 就業保險)

COVID19 個人 & 公司補助總結 在溫哥華 (BC) 申請EI流程 此攻略主要針對COVID 19時期。 大家一起加油! 病毒打不倒我們的! 申請EI步驟1:選擇申請類型,以查看對應步驟 「T1」 – 沒被解雇,但能證明雇主或醫療人員要求你留在家裡,導致你無法在家工作。 「T2」- 因COVID 19的影響,公司停止營業而失業的人。2019年必須在溫哥華最少工作700小時 (所有在溫哥華工作總和)。 ❌ 不要撥打專綫電話,T2可通過常規路綫申請EI。 「T3」。剛結束自我隔離,發現公司還暫時關閉的人。 3月18號更新,以下情況可申請EI: ➡️ 正在隔離或患有COVID-19,但沒資格申請EI的工作者 (包括個體經營者 Self Employed)。 ➡️ 照顧患有COVID-19的家庭成員(例如年邁父母)的工作者 (包括個體經營者 Self Employed),但沒資格申請EI。 ➡️ 因學校停課,需在家照顧孩子的父母導致無法獲得收入 (無論是否符合申請EI資格)。 透過CRA領取緊急護理福利 (Emergency Care Benefit),每兩週提供最高$ 900,持續15週。 申請EI步驟2:打給COVID EI熱綫 「T1 & T3」 – 因COVID-19 被雇主或醫療人員要求留在家里和隔離的人。 時間為8:30 am-4:30pm (聼溫哥華的前輩說,平均等待時間 3 – […]

COVID19 個人 & 公司補助總結 總理Justin Trudeau週三 (3月18號 2020年) 宣布820億的援助計劃,以應對COVID-19。 820億的計劃主分為兩大類別: 270億元的直接支持 (Direct Support) ➡️ 增加稅收抵免 (Boosting tax credits) ➡️ 緊急護理福利 (Emergency Care Benefit) ➡️ 緊急支援福利 (Emergency support benefit) ➡️ 原住民社區支持 (Support for Indigenous communities) ➡️ 學生貸款暫停 (Student loan pause ) ➡️ 保護退休金 (Protecting retirement funds ) ➡️ 幫助無家可歸的人 (Helping the homeless ) ➡️ 支持逃離被虐待者 (Supporting those fleeing violence) ➡️ 工作共享 (Work sharing) […]

在溫哥華招聘、請人容易 但是請對的人「難」 (無奈攤手) —— Restobox 里歐也經歷過 這煎熬又痛苦的招聘過程 因此總結了過去幾年 在溫哥華招聘和求職的渠道 —— 祝,各為溫哥華的老闆 趕緊找到好員工 Restobox招聘快截鍵,點擊連接觀看對應內容: 中文論壇 FACEBOOK招聘群 (中文) FACEBOOK招聘群 (英文) 溫哥華主流(專業)招聘渠道 溫哥華主流(一般)招聘渠道 溫哥華微信Wechat 招聘 溫哥華中文媒體招聘渠道 中文論壇 (延展閱讀:溫哥華線上行銷:中文論壇) 如果你希望在溫哥華招聘、請人,Restobox里歐覺得中文論壇的求職者: 語言能力: ★★☆☆☆ (母語多為中文,英文普遍稍弱) 職場經驗: ★★★☆☆ (很多新移民 (有經驗) + 溫哥華大學生 (各種未知數) 找工作) 以下溫哥華論壇排名,根據我們公司在溫哥華的招聘經驗所排序 (越上方越有效): ➡️ Vansky招聘 – 點我招聘請人 ➡️ Vansky求職 – 點我找工作 ➡️ Vanpeople 招聘 & 求職 […]
How To Avoid These 5 Common Website Mistakes and Boost Your Profits

Your website’s first impression could be costing you major traffic and business if you’re making these 5 common errors. Often as the website owner, you’ll overlook problems that would cause you to instantly click to another website if you were a potential customer. Don’t make these mistakes. #1 – Website Loading Speed: Every second count!! […]
Buying a Small Business?

Here is a Checklist for your online presence. Often times, a client approaches us soon after its website or email malfunctions, or a client is at risk of sing its domain name. Later on, it becomes evident that a website and email server came with the business that the client purchased, but the new owner […]
【Copywriting】 Realty Focuz – The most expensive and most affordable detached markets
This article is written for https://realtyfocuz.com/(Real Estate Focuses Web Development Company) and shared by Restobox The most expensive and most affordable detached markets The real estate sector in Canada is no doubt very expensive, but a close observation of the market reveals that there are some markets which are more affordable than the others. In fact, […]
【Copywriting】 Realty Focuz – The growth of Canadian Dollar is hitting the US real estate market

This article is written for https://realtyfocuz.com/(Real Estate Focuses Web Development Company) and shared by Restobox The growth of Canadian Dollar is hitting the US real estate market The Canadian Dollar received a hike and rose above 80 cents on the morning of 24th July. This happened after a stagnancy of almost two years as the Canadian […]
【Copywriting】 Realty Focuz – Demand for Vancouver luxury real estate remains high
This article is written for https://realtyfocuz.com/(Real Estate Focuses Web Development Company) and shared by Restobox Demand for Vancouver luxury real estate remains high, do you have what it takes to grasp their attention? Vancouver is currently in the top list of the most expensive cities in Canada. The prices are simply skyrocketing and not a single […]
【Copywriting】 Realty Focuz – Cost may no longer be the attraction for property purchasing
This article is written for https://realtyfocuz.com/(Real Estate Focuses Web Development Company) and shared by Restobox Cost may no longer be the attraction for property purchasing, but the value of investment The real estate market in Canada has become very expensive in the recent times. This has led to a significant decrease in the number of foreign […]
【Copywriting】 Realty Focuz – Collapse in Toronto home prices continues
This article is written for https://realtyfocuz.com/(Real Estate Focuses Web Development Company) and shared by Restobox Collapse in Toronto home prices continues Analysts have said that the price of real estate properties in Toronto has plunged by more than 17% in the last two months. The prices were at their peak in April after which there has […]
【Copywriting】 Realty Focuz – Canadian Purchasing Power is shifting to US properties
This article is written for https://realtyfocuz.com/(Real Estate Focuses Web Development Company) and shared by Restobox The real estate business in Canada is hugely influenced by the foreign investors. Currently, the property prices are facing a huge surge. The rising valuation of the loonie may make Canadian housing markets quite safe for real estate investments. The skyrocketing […]
【Copywriting】 Realty Focuz – What Another 2% Tax
This article is written for https://realtyfocuz.com/(Real Estate Focuses Web Development Company) and shared by Restobox What? Another 2% Tax? One of the key elements of the NDP’s election agenda – a 2% tax on speculative investment in real estate in B.C. may not be implemented. Speaking on this aspect, the housing spokesman for the party […]
【Copywriting】 Realty Focuz – We Build Real Estate Website, and these are the business secrets that Top Real Estate Agents sharing with us!
This article is written for https://realtyfocuz.com/(Real Estate Focuses Web Development Company) and shared by Restobox We Build Real estate website, and these are the business secrets that Top Real Estate Agents are sharing with us! With the world becoming more internet savvy, real estate agents, too, need to change the way they gather leads and […]