Your website’s first impression could be costing you major traffic and business if you’re making these 5 common errors. Often as the website owner, you’ll overlook problems that would cause you to instantly click to another website if you were a potential customer. Don’t make these mistakes.

#1 – Website Loading Speed:

Every second count!! Website loading time is a major factor that causes potential clients to leave your website. Your fancy website that’s using a lot of gee-whiz plugins could be costing you customers. A website that takes 2 seconds to load will lose about 10% of its viewers. That number increases to 25% loss at 4 seconds, and by the 10-second mark, you could be approaching a loss of 40% of potential viewers. RESTOBOX understands the importance of this crucial first impression. We are experts at creating fast loading pages that are attractive, engaging and create the desire for your product or service in the viewer (Note: Leading e-commerce website load in under 5 seconds).

#2 – Your Website is Ugly:

Beauty is said to be in the eye of the beholder, but most of us can agree on what’s ugly. Long gone are the days when you could hire the 16-year-old kid down the block to design a website that will get you business. The competition is simply too fierce to look like an online amateur. The web is a great opportunity for small businesses to look as professional as the largest corporation (and even outdo them). RESTOBOX specializes in creating websites that can compete with your largest competition in appearance and function. Small business or large, RESTOBOX can create a website for you that looks top-grade professional.

#3 – Your Website is a Billboard and Not a Brochure:

Information sells! If someone is interested in your product or service its hard to give them too much information. Your website should contain all of the information needed to allow the viewer to make a buying decision. Inexperienced web design firms will often rely on images to attract potential customers and skimp on crucial details that would convince the potential client that your product or service would solve their problem or fulfill their need. RESTOBOX expertly chooses images that reinforce your sales goals and messages. A picture can be worth 1000 words, and RESTOBOX makes sure those are words that can help you get more sales.

#4 – Your Website is Invisible to Google:

A needle in a haystack. That’s what your website is to the major search engines. You can have the best-designed website in the world, but if it doesn’t get any visitors, it may as well not exist. Today to be effective you need to have your website managed by professionals that understand what it takes to get it ranked by the major search engines. RESTOBOX can help you build a website that will be noticed and ranked by the world’s largest search engines. We understand the importance of keyword research, website relevance, image optimizations, loading speed and other factors that search engines use to judge your website. Our expertise can help your website get the traffic you need to increase your bottom-line profits.

#5 – Your Website Doesn’t Explain How It Would Help The Customer:

Most people don’t read the credits at the beginning of a movie or care to waste time to look at your pretty logo. A huge mistake many businesses make when getting a website designed is making the focus of the website their business instead of the customers problems or needs. While your board of directors might be impressed by your spinning logo on the websites landing page, we can assure you that a customer looking to solve a problem or find a solution will not be interested and will quickly click one of the many thousands of other choices that Google will give them. RESTOBOX are website design experts that know how to create websites that address your potential clients problems and needs in a format that is attractive, engaging and will help lead them to make a buying decision that will increase your sales and profits.

These 5 common mistakes that cost websites money are only a small sample of the mistakes that badly designed websites make. Allow the web specialists at RESTOBOX to use our expertise in website writing, design, keywords research, layout and other factors to improve your website and increase your sales just as we’ve done for numerous other satisfied clients. Sometimes you need more than the typical website designer; sometimes you need RESTOBOX. Contact us today for a free evaluation of your current website or to help you plan an effective website for your new business or service.

里歐 LEO

在加入Restobox前,里歐曾任Futureshop的全國銷售精英、多家大型電子通訊商的銷售培訓師。歷經數次創業後,輾轉加入Restobox團隊,並協助打造全新品牌。 沒有IT背景的里歐,將與客戶一同從「銷售角度」思考網站的設計實不實用,從「營銷考量」來評判品牌的定位合不合適。 在這裡,里歐將專業的Sales & Marketing資訊揉合在一起,並用簡單易懂的語言分享給大家一同進步! 里歐個人簡介可參考

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