Upload images and files to dropbox 1

Go to https://www.dropbox.com/login

Sign in with your Google account

(If you do not have a gmail account, you may use your email to create one)

Upload images and files to dropbox 2

Left Panel, Click on Shared

go to Recents

Click the Folder

(Leo invited you to the shared folder already)


Upload images and files to dropbox 3

You will see different sub Folders

If you wish to upload a product,  click on the Product Folder


Upload images and files to dropbox 4

Now, you have two options to upload


Upload by Files

This means you can choose the files, and upload them one by one or in bulk

Upload by Folder (Recommended)

This means you organize all files on your computer already, just upload everything all at once.


Upload images and files to dropbox 5

What is the right way of organizing Product listing?

  • Category = Main Folder(s)
  • Product Name = Sub Folder
  • Product Images = In the Sub Folder


For example, if I wish to upload the coffee table’s product images, the structure may look like this:

  • Furniture  (Folder)
    • Living Room (Folder)
      • Coffee Table (Folder)
        • Coffee table product Image 1 (Image)
        • Coffee table product Image 2 (Image)
        • Coffee table product Image 3 (Image)

Then we will know exactly where to find the exact product images.



  • Category Name needs to match with the excel file
  • Product Name needs to match with the excel file
  • Product Images name do not need to be exact


里歐 LEO

在加入Restobox前,里歐曾任Futureshop的全國銷售精英、多家大型電子通訊商的銷售培訓師。歷經數次創業後,輾轉加入Restobox團隊,並協助打造全新品牌。 沒有IT背景的里歐,將與客戶一同從「銷售角度」思考網站的設計實不實用,從「營銷考量」來評判品牌的定位合不合適。 在這裡,里歐將專業的Sales & Marketing資訊揉合在一起,並用簡單易懂的語言分享給大家一同進步! 里歐個人簡介可參考 https://ca.linkedin.com/in/leo-poon-0849a06b

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